About Us

2023/2024 Board Members
The mission of the Lower Cape Fear Republican Women’s Club is to promote an informed public through political education and activity. We hope to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government; to facilitate cooperation among the National and North Carolina Federation of Republican Women and the other Republican Women’s Clubs; to foster loyalty to the Republican Party, and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections, including non-partisan elections; to support the objectives and policies of the Republican National, the North Carolina Central and the New Hanover County Executive Committees; and, to work for the election of Republican Party nominees.
The Lower Cape Fear Republican Women's Club was chartered in 1974 after a group of dynamic women banded together to help elect Jim Holshouser as the first Republican governor of North Carolina since 1896! Founding members included Isabel Holmes (recognized by her peers by having the new bridge over the Cape Fear named in her honor) and Marilyn Williams, who is still a member.
We hold a Biennial Auction in odd-numbered years to benefit candidates and the Republican Party. Since 2005, we have raised approximately $177,000 for local, state and federal Republican candidates. We also hold GOTV fundraisers. In 2023, we were able to spend $30,000 on GOTV projects.
Our Successes
We stand united and strong, providing forums for our members to meet their candidates and their elected officials, making phone calls, working the polls, educating our members, producing radio ads, funding targeted digital advertising, and most importantly, giving tens of thousands of dollars directly to our Republican candidates. We’re goal-setters and trendsetters. We’re also award-winners.